Sunday, July 11, 2010

O.k so I know I'm totally the girl who cried wolf ( perhaps this is the wrong analogy) But I plan to jump back on board tomorrow. its currently just past 9pm here and I've taken 3 laxitives after a very indulgent weekend.

Can anyone give me ANY tips on how to contain myself around boyfriends and friends? does anyone else eat more when they are with their boyfriend? I do.

Hope to hear from you all

1 comment:

  1. Got your email, read it, I'm just leaving you a quick comment for now coz the boy is coming over soon. Anyway, just wanted to say, that I definately eat more around boy. It's really disgusting I know, but I reckon sometimes I even eat more than him! So obviously, I am not helpful at all in giving tips on how to contain ourselves! But whatever, we'll get there together (:
