Thursday, May 27, 2010

Fuck you you fat piece of lard. seriously. I hate my fucking body. and I hate swearing but this is it I'm so over it. I hate my flabby arms and my fugly stomach which I refuse to let my boyfriend touch anymore..
I'm over my boyfriend fucking watching everything I eat. Whilst he gets away with a coffee for breakfast I HAVE to have toast or cereal, and I have to pick ONE. and because I lack self control when I got home I had a peice of bread and some bread and butter pudding whch was promptly thrown up... Why do I eat if I know I'm just going to spew it up again... On top of that I didnt get to go to the gym last night because my mother wanted to spend time with me and I'm a sucker for spending time with my mother, is that weird?
I will go tonight and I will work my arse off and I will not eat anything afterwards, i will wake up in the morning and I will go to the gym again and I will go to coffee with friends and I will not eat anything. I hate studying too I lack self control in every single area of my life... O.k so theres my little self pity rant, Speak soon.. Hope your all doing better than me, not hard to but yer..


  1. Sucks that you're made to eat something for breakfast. Good luck with the not eating, and stay strong (:

  2. Aw darling don't be so hard on yourself, you're doing fine. If you do feel like trying a fast I have the Hungry for Change blog up and running, we're starting on June 1st and you're absolutely welcome to join :)

    All my love, and chin up sweety,
    Adeline xx
