Monday, April 26, 2010

hmmm 2 peices of butter and honey + low calorie hot choc at 9.30pm (haha non emotional eater my arse)
fuckfuckfuck fuck im fucked...

on the bright side, my boyfriend and I made up... until our next fight that is...
Defianlty going to have an amazing day tomorrow...
gym study study maybe a walk study study study gym sleep

Please give me strength to starve. Thanks.
I'll probably send your dashboards into overdrive tomorrow procrastinating food and study.
P.s I like that i tell you guys how much im eating, Im sorry im not very thinspiring. Hopefully sooon i will be...


  1. i know exactly what you mean. in my stupid brain studying and eating seem to belong together. like unseperable! i have just been munching a piece of chocolate over an essay. my trick is to go and read at the park when the weather is fine. just taking water and maybe some veggies with me.
    good luck tomorrow dear!

  2. yes stupid eating while studying!
    i read your mail btw but i've got to reply i'm in quite a hurry but i needed to catch up on blogs
    think thin,
